It’s official, we have submit our baby PANKAPU to the Square-Enix Collective, and we have been selected, Yatta!!!
Since last year Square-Enix proposes a new platform: Square-Enix Collective, giving the opportunity to video games developers to post their works, and players to judge if a project has to come to life or not.
It’s mean that PANKAPU is going live on the site Square-Enix Collective, for 28 days. During this lapse of time you will be able to support us (like you always do) by voting “Yes” on our Square-Enix page.
This will bring a great visibility on our project, giving us the chance to have an international vision and to get access to Square-Enix network.
Pankapu project page:
If you want to vote, you have to register on the page.
Thanks for your support, every vote counts !
Gosh darn, the game looks so beautiful, I'm sure you guys will make it !
Thank you very much, your support boost us^^